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The Crow: Wicked Prayer streaming regarder en ligne FULLHD

The Crow: Wicked Prayer

The Crow: Wicked Prayer is an American action/fantasy film with elements of supernatural horror. It is the fourth film in the ongoing The Crow franchise as originally developed by comic book author James O'Barr. The movie was directed by Lance Mungia and produced by Dimension Films. It was screened at Cannes on May 13th. 2005 and premiered in Seattle. Washington on June 3rd. The film was screened for limited theatrical release on June 4th and remained in theaters for one week before Dimension Films released it on DVD. In this film, Terminator star Edward Furlong plays a delinquent ex-con named Jimmy Cuervo who is on probation and living in a rundown Indian reservation in the middle of a mining town. A Satanic cult captures Jimmy and his girlfriend Lily and uses them as ritualistic sacrifices. Jimmy rises from the grave embodied by the power of the Crow to seek out vengeance against the cult and their dark leader, a man known only as El Niño.

Tribal Council #1

Tribal Council #2

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